Video Competition, Free Paper, ePoster winners announced

The winners of the best Free Papers, ePoster and Video Competition were announced during the Euretina Opening Ceremony on Thursday. All of the winning presentations (listed below) will be available through the On Demand platform for registered attendees. Direct links and details of scheduled presentations can be found below. 

Video Competition winners

1st Place (August Deutman Award): Margarida Dias, Portugal. “From Hopes to Hurdles: Macular Detachment after Luxturna” WATCH HERE

2nd Place: Katarzyna Chwiejczak, United Kingdom.  “Retinal detachment secondary to acute retinal necrosis.” WATCH HERE

3rd Place: Juan Giralt, Spain. “Pars plana 27 gauge vitrectomy for posteriorly dislocated  posterior chamber phakic intraocular lense (IPCL)” WATCH HERE


Free Paper winners

1st Place (August Deutman Award): Baruch Kuppermann, United States. “Post Hoc Analyses of Responder Status in Phase 3 Studies of Ciliary  Neurotrophic Factor–Producing Revakinagene Taroretcelin People With  MacTel Type 2”  Scheduled for presentation in Room 118/119. Saturday, 21st September, 17:27 – 17:33

2nd Place: Francesco Romano, United States.  “Association between contrast sensitivity function, optical coherence  tomography features and progression from intermediate to late  age-related macular degeneration”  Scheduled for presentation in Room 212. Friday 20th September, 09:12 – 09:18

3rd Place Andrew Lotery, United Kingdom. “The Impact of Caregiving for Patients with X-linked Retinitis  Pigmentosa (XLRP): Findings from the EXPLORE XLRP-2 Mixed  methods Study in 10 Countries across Europe and Israel”

Available On Demand


e-Poster winners

1st Place (August Deutman Award): Stefano Mercuri, Italy. “Genotype-phenotype correlations in a cohort of genetically determined  Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) Italian patients with Rho gene mutations”  Scheduled for presentation at Speakers Corner. Friday 20th September, 14:30 – 14:35

2nd Place Hoda Shamsnajafabadi, United Kingdom.  “CRISPR-Cas mediated base editing approaches for CRB1 related  retinal dystrophy”  Scheduled for presentation at Speakers Corner. Friday 20th September, 14:40 – 14:45

3rd Place  Keean Nanji, Canada.  “The Impact of COVID-19 on a Real-World Treat and Extend  Regimen with Aflibercept for Neovascular Age-Related Macular  Degeneration”  Scheduled for presentation at Speakers Corner. Friday 20th September, 16:00 – 16:05

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