Seventh Annual EURETINA Clinical Trends Survey Underway: Your Participation is Essential!

Survey participants will be entered into a raffle to receive a free Delegate registration for the EURETINA 2025 Congress in Paris and will receive a summary report before it is published. 

The seventh annual EURETINA Clinical Trends Survey is underway here in Barcelona at the 2024 meeting. This survey builds upon the success of surveys from prior years which have included over 8,900 participants to date. The survey asks EURETINA delegates key questions related to current issues they face in their practice on a regular basis. The goal is to obtain opinions from a significant percentage of delegates and for EURETINA leadership to review the results.

Data from these surveys are the basis for the development of various Independent Medical Education (IME) programmes and symposia at this year’s EURETINA meeting and beyond. Information from the 2024 survey will be used to continue to drive educational efforts. The 2024 EURETINA Clinical Trends Survey includes a wide range of contemporary topics, including:

  • Multimodal imaging and diagnostics
  • Neovascular AMD diagnosis and treatment
  • Dry AMD and geographic atrophy
  • DME diagnosis and management
  • Vitreoretinal surgery and retinal detachment
  • Artificial intelligence and at-home monitoring
  • Gene and cell therapy
  • Myopia management
  • …and more!


How to can I participate?!

We encourage you to take this 15-minute survey by going HERE, or scan this QR code:

Please take the survey as soon as possible, as it will close shortly after the congress.

By completing the survey, and filling in your email address, you will be entered into a raffle to win a free delegate registration for the EURETINA 2025 Congress in Paris and you will be providing important data to help drive future education programming. If desired, respondents can choose to remain anonymous and still complete the survey, providing EURETINA with important feedback.


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